
  • Entirely web-based
  • Runs on any web-server that can accommodate PHP – can use a professionally managed server of an ISP instead of having to purchase and maintain own server
  • Minimal use of javascript for maximum compatibility with all web-browsers and web enabled devices. Some small amounts used to improve error-trapping and user interactivity.
  • Produces reports to Portable Document Format – PDF for accurate positioning of text
  • All reports and scripts follow the same conventions for consistent and modifiable PHP scripts, easily followable by business people.
  • All processing is on the web-server with no installation required on client PCs – only a browser and a PDF reader is required.
  • Multi-language – each user can see the interface in their preferred language – 31 are translations available and bundled with the system.
  • Numbers are displayed appropriately for the language selected and input is allowed in this format.
  • Fully utf-8 compliant. PDF reports produced using adobe CIF fonts for lightweight PDFs using utf-8 character set for any language.
  • Multi-theme – each user can see the interface in their preferred graphical theme. A choice of 9 themes are available and bundled with the system.Can be integrated with a wiki (any wakka fork) to hold narrative on items, suppliers and customers. e.g. The wiki may contain any information particular to the customer with links to say credit history – call log for customer services/sales/accounts etc
  • The underlying code of the system is written in a way so as to maximise it’s readability for those new to PHP coding. The idea being that business users will be able to administer and adapt the system to exactly suit their needs.