Overdues inquiry that takes into account delivery days to the customer’s branch and the actual (user definable) payment terms applicable to the customer, supported by detailed inquiry of actual invoices overdue.
Full on-screen inquiry on a customer’s account, complete with invoice details and narrative which appeared on the invoice. Drill down to source document invoice or credit note.
Invoice can be emailed to customers together with pdf attachments dependent on items invoices eg. warranty, datasheets, instructions, manuals etc.
Inquiries on payments received will show how a payment was allocated to invoices and the difference on exchange attributable to each invoice.
Full integration with stock records and general ledger – a full trail of journals for each transaction is maintained a drill down to the general ledger transactions for each transaction on a customers account is available from the customer inquiry page.
Flexible general ledger postings for sales and if required as well cost of sales based on sales area and product category. General ledger integration is optional.
Open item – full analysis of the outstanding balance is maintained and printed on statements for maximum information to the customer.
Statements can show transactions settled this month or only outstanding transactions as at the date of printing.
Flexible user definable sales analysis reports to pdf or spreadsheet (csv comma separated values). Report definitions can be saved for re-running or automating email delivery from a scheduled job.
Retrospective de-allocation and re-allocation of receipts or credit notes agains charges with re-calculation of differences on exchange and corresponding general ledger journals.
Any number of branch delivery addresses can be added serviced by different sales people with different tax authorities and different areas for sales analysis purposes.
Unlimited accounts and unlimited number of branches (ship to addresses) for each account.
Shipping method updated by branch.
Customer accounts can be in any currency. Individual rate for each invoice, default to currency table rate.
Currency table can be set to be automatically updated daily from European central bank published rates.
Invoices and credit notes created in pdf.
Email of invoices and credit notes.
Credit notes can be produced from one click taking the details of a selected invoice for subsequent modification.
Transaction inquiries show sequence of invoices, credit notes and receipts entered.
Option to produce integrated google maps of customer locations (and suppliers)