Users can be defined with access to only certain options using a role based model. Functions which they do not have access to will not be shown. Users can be limited to specific inventory locations
Users must be specifically be allowed access to enter transactions for each bank account defined
Options applicable to certain roles can be graphically configured and users defined as fulfilling a given role.
Sales people logins can be defined limiting these users to see only their own customer accounts and orders.
Incorrect entry of password (more than 3 times) blocks the account until reset by the System Administrator. This prevents password crackers from breaking the security.
Pages can be encrypted using SSL and webERP can be configured to only display pages using SSL to ensure that all information passing over the internet is encrypted.
Users can be defined to see only certain modules on the main menu – so menu options that they will not have access to are not even displayed on screen.
HTTP security can be configured over the top of the inbuilt security to provide two levels of security – the first to access the web-server at all and the second to actually get into webERP
An audit trail of which users did what is retained and is automatically maintained based on how long the information is required to be kept
All inputs are sanitised to prevent SQL injections and cross site scripting.